So, I’m a freshman in college and I’m currently living with my best friend of 16 years. Sounds perfect right? WRONG WRONG WRONG. It is an actual living nightmare of a siduation, and I’m stressing. She does a lot of really annoying stuff that I’m slowly getting used to (ex. Watches videos on her phone at full volume with no headphones at all times, has the most horrible ringtone ever and never has her phone on silent, always acts like she’s right and I’m stupid and wrong) but recently she’s developed a habit that I literally cannot stand. I used to have a mother that made me late to everything, so I have a real OCD problem with having enough time to get places early. I usually like to get up an hour and a half early to shower, so that I have an hour to get dressed/pack up/eat/walk to class ect. My roommate knows this, and is usually grateful because she gets to her classes on time as well (we have the same schedule). Well, recently she’s been waking up on my earlier alarm instead of her later one and RUNNING into the bathroom and locking the door. She spends up to 45 minutes in there blow drying her hair, brushing her teeth, and straightening her hair; afterwards she comes back into the room and LAYS DOWN ON THE BED BECAUSE SHE HAS EXTRA TIME TO LIE AROUND BEFORE CLASS. I’ve been so stressed out because I cannot switch to night showers (face and hair get too greasy) and if I bring this up with her, she will become super passive aggressive like always. What can I do?