why wont my neighbor host a party at his house even though I said id help pay for stuff?
Sexy Toasters
2013-07-26 11:35:41 UTC
we would just have one at our house but its not big enoguh for the activities that we want to include like bringing in a whole pool full of mudd and having wrestling contests and having a whole area dedicated to people who want to smoke cigarteetes inside and a paint-ball station for any kids taht people bring so that they can have an area to shoot those machines at each other and stuff and keep occupied while we do the main drinking party in the parlor. my nrighbors house is perfect for all of this and my wife and i planned it all out then emailed him the ideas on where each thing would go in his house and he didnt reply so we went over there last night and he said to leave him alone basically and that hed call the cops if he had to which got me even more pissed off but my wife pulled me away. later on that night though i went over there and put a rancid substance on his front steps that'll show him not to screw us over like that but we'll see.
Five answers:
2013-07-26 11:42:24 UTC
you cant force him to give up his house for a party

sure, he over reacted and should have been nicer, but you over reacted too

its totally understandable that he doesn't want his house to be a mess and he doesn't want ppl to smoke in there and hes probably not comfortable w/ the ppl you invited

you have to admit your being quite unreasonable
2013-07-26 18:41:41 UTC
You are bringing in a whole pool full of mud, having wrestling contests, paintballing AND smoking. This is why he does not want to host your party at his house. His house would get trashed. You're being rude and unreasonable in my opinion.
2013-07-26 18:42:42 UTC
I wouldn't go for that idea.

You don't sound like a good neighbor.

He hasn't screwed you over... he just said NO.
2013-07-26 18:36:55 UTC
it would probably make a mess just an idea
2013-07-26 18:45:43 UTC
Surely this is a joke? aha

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