ahhh basically, i liked her for like 2 years, and he were seeing eachother for abit, then i messed up and we were just mates. but as time went on, we kept arguing and she deleted me off bbm and facebook. this was back in may, and in september she added me on facebook again. and she was like hey, i was like how comes you added me again and she was like i've been thinking about it for ages tbh and we caught up and she was like text me. then i text her and we been speaking since then and one time i didnt reply cos my message didnt go through and i thought she was blanking me because i didnt know it didnt go through and the next day she text back saying oh thanks for the textback. then another time she text me and my message didnt go through again and she text me again saying how comes you didnt reply. i didnt know what to think about this! like does she just like talking to me? and the other day she was putting herself down like saying oh i look rank and stuff like that and i was like no you dont and she as like you just have bad taste and i said i did have before i met you and she was like awwwwwww <3. then that day, she was upset and was like i hate everyone and i was like whats up? she goes i cant tell anyone, but distract me from it please and i was like why cant you tell me? then she said its a secret and i cant tell anyone but im fine now. this kinda annoyed me cos i tell her everything and she doesnt tell me. when she text me twice, i was like there might be a chance she still likes me but if she doents tell me anything, then thats a bad thing, right? i didnt text back cos i was kinda annoyed, this was last night and i dont know what to say :( i still like her and what should i do for her to like me? i think there may still be a chance she does, im just not sure :/ help anyone? appreciated :)