Okay so I've noticed a lot of goth people are very judge-mental about everyone else not goth. Like I'm not saying every goth person but at my school, a lot. There's this group of goth people in my grade and they automatically think you're stuck up or a snob if you're not goth. I hate it. I'm always nice to them and try to talk to them, but they always go around saying I'm stuck up and a snob. I honestly don't see how they think I am. I hate bullying I hate being mean to anyone. I hate the thought of people talking about other people about how they look or how they smell or act in a bad way. Lots of people tell me they love my personality and how I treat people and I'm happy about it, but all the goth people judge me completely different and not only me everyone else in our grade. All of my friends are pretty much like me too. So today, one of the goth guys that think me and my friend are weird and stuck up because we're not like them was passing out our papers and just threw them in our faces. It was really rude. He didn't really do it to anyone else but he still treats everyone like they're a horrible person. His little goth group mostly judge girls. They are just so rude to everyone whether they're really nice or snobs. Unless ur goth, you're automatically supposed to be hated or a snob to them. I'm not saying every goth person is like this because it's just a creative style! I'm not goth but I totally respect people who like that kind of stuff. One of my friends is actually goth but she's the only one in our grade that's goth that won't hang out with them. So has anoyone noticed a group in your school like this? It's mostly "popular" people who are like this , but in my school it's the goth people. Anyone else notice this? Again, I'm not saying all goth people are like this.