i really need help is anyone out there that can help me i need it now?
2008-03-17 06:13:23 UTC
ok i am 18 my name is shellie i am thanking of killing myself today i know i may sound crazzy but i am not i have tryed over and over to get help i have been to the docktor and i am on pills for this i am so sad eveything is comeing down on me all at one time tell me what i can do i want help i have tryed i am so upset i can't even sleep i have't sleep in 3 days i have been going throw this for 4 years but now it's worse i need help what can i do cuz something needs to be done today befor something bad happends
21 answers:
2008-03-17 06:21:07 UTC
Well, first i want you to sit down and try to relax.

Try to think of the reason why this is so bad right now. What things are making you feel so out of place? Are you just extremely tired? Are you mad at someone for something they did to you?

Now think about how you were before this '4 years. what made you so happy then, and how can you achieve that happiness again? Need to take a day off of work or school? do it.

Don't end your life because you feel as if it isn't worth it anymore. You probably have so many people who care about you and you just don't realize it. So, just take a deep breath, do something that you enjoy, make a home made facial mask! And if you need anything, don't be afraid to message me.
2008-03-17 13:20:48 UTC
shellie this is not gonna solve anything, yea u may think well ill be dead i wont have any problems. But what about your family? What about your friends. Could you specify whats wrong why are you wanting to kill yourself.

You will get through what ever it is, GOD will answer your prayers, i dont know if you believe or not, but you need to really get down on your knees and ask him to help you take these evil thoughts away.

Talk to someone your parents friends counselor you have a life ahead of you and you wont ever know what it is filled with, someone in this world has worse problems than you.

Kids getting raped, women getting beaten, homeless people have no homes, people getting killed for no reason. I would like to give some advice but whats the situation, if ya want email me and ill give y ou some advice if you want.
2008-03-17 13:23:14 UTC
ok, call your doc asap. i was on a med for depression once and after taking it for a while, it just switched and i got super depressed in a really bad way. you may need to change meds right away. don't do anything drastic, right now, with the lack of sleep and the chemicals going crazy you probably feel like you are on drugs. haha, i say this after not sleeping for two days myself. hang in there on the sleep. i have found that a klonopin before i go to bed really helps. i normally can't sleep bc i get too wound up or just brain chatter that won't stop.

exercise will help, it can raise serotinin levels. thirty minutes every day. fiber can help remove toxins like excess hormones. volunteer work helps balance things too. i like to go to when i am feeling really blue. it warms the heart.

my advice, call the doc for an emergency appointment, sometimes the meds start working against you, esp with a weight change or lower body weight. another thing that really helped me, i got two cats :) it seems silly but on the worst days, they can get you through. just something to cuddle on. go to the humane society and get a little furry friend. they use animals in therapy all the time. unconditional love :) and if you get a kitten, you will end up laughing so much.

good luck sweetie, hang in there. my worst was in my twenties, im in my thirties now and it's much better. really try to do the exercise, yoga and meditation if possible. they will help balance you a lot.
2008-03-17 13:22:21 UTC
Killing yourself would just bring more problems, after you die people will most likely be sad. Think about your parents or your friends.

Think about all those times that you made someone laugh or smile.

Something has to be worth it.

What if your future is much better than all of this?

Just because the pills didnt work doesnt mean something else wont.

Some people have it alot worse and thye ahve to deal with it everyday.

Just have hope that it'll all get better.

Trust me it does.

Just because nothing is good right now, doesnt mean your future isnt going to get better.

Just deal with whatever it is.

Talk to someone other than a doctor, all they do is call you challenged and give you pills.

Don't do anything stupid.
2008-03-17 13:46:40 UTC
Shellie!!!There's soo much out there that you can live for!Have you tried GOD?The one that knows you from the inside out?He is so fimiliar with every part of you and wants to love you with an everlasting love!I know how it feels to want to take your own life...Then actually wanting to do it made me realize just how selfish I was...Not considering my family and friends especially my younger brother!Then GOD showed up in time to show me HIS love was all I ever needed!Whether you know it or not someone looks up to you and someone has faith in you!You'll gain nothing by taking your own life!What is it in your life that is so bad that you cannot make a complete turn around?Whether you want to hear it or not...GOD cares all about you and wants to help you...all you need to do is call upon the name of JESUS!!!HE will save you!

I firmly believe that you determine your happiness,I always say,whatever doesnt bring you joy,you have all the right in the world to walk away from it!

Once you start believing in yourself and work on your confidence...Things will may take time,but it will happen!

Theres one thing I've learnt while growing up....there's forgiveness for every sin possible in this world other than taking your own life!!

I hope you know that you have a life ahead of you waiting to be lived!!!Give yourself the opportunity to live and be free to experience life as a whole!!!

I will be prayng for you and if you dont even bother to take in any of the things I said now...Just remember there's a GOD that cares for you!
2008-03-17 13:21:15 UTC
U should make it a point to never to stay alone, u will be much safer with others! Try to think good, remain happy and 4get abt ur worries! Better go 4 a holiday. Take medicines in time and visit ur doctor regurarly.
2008-03-17 13:21:25 UTC
Hya Shelley, firstly, don't do anything stupid like trying to kill yourself, it only leads to more heartache.

Can you give a bit more info on whats troubling you, it sounds quite serious, but without details, theres not much to go on.

What do you do in life, have you any ambitions? Is there somebody out there who loves you/who you love?

Whats been the catalyst for you feeling like this? If you wanna divulge a bit more, but not on here, you can mail me through my profile and maybe I can help.

Take care
2008-03-17 13:18:35 UTC
As long as we live in this world bad things happen - it is a matter of finding the strength to withstand those things.

Fall on your face and ask with all your heart that the Creator of the Universe help you and direct you. The Lord God can provide help that no human can.
2008-03-17 13:57:40 UTC
I guess we all go through things and time we are afraid and try to run away and not deal with our problems. There a reason why we have obstacles in our life. It to make us stronger. Why don't you talk to a friend, aunt, uncle, cousin, or your parents and explain what you are going through? And make them understand how you are feeling right. Don't give up yet.
Laylas here! 11.7.0 9lb 1.5 oz
2008-03-17 13:19:31 UTC
I dont think this is the place to post something like this. But if you need somebody to talk to you can email me and tell me whats wrong! I would love to help you sort out your problems! If not try the suicde hotline
2008-03-17 13:18:11 UTC
you need to go back to the doctor because you're not on the right meds. some meds actually increase the thoughts of suicide in children and teens. don't beat yourself up because you're depressed. just remember how many people love you. obviously you're parents love you or else they wouldn't take you to the doctors to help you! think of them if you have to, anything that gets you through the day! but please go back to the doctor, there is help. just keep working on it, you will not feel this way forever. don't give up, life IS worth it! best wishes :-)
2008-03-17 13:37:26 UTC
Call on the name of Jesus and expect him to answer he loves you so much! Don't give up Just Talk to him! You have tried everything else try him!
2008-03-17 13:34:58 UTC
it's only life.

theres always someone who cares about you,even these people answering your question who don't even know you,we care.

life's like a roller coaster,you go through loops and drops,but eventually it goes up.things don't stay bad forever.

Don't give up.

Someone Loves You.
2008-03-17 13:24:18 UTC
alright um here is one you know where your going to spend etenity when you die?...if not then the bible says that whoever calls on the name of the lord shall be saved ...that's romans 10:13...god demonstrates his love toward us that while we were yet sinners christ died for us...romans 5:8...hey i've helped this one girl who kept cutting herself non stop everyday....our friendship was at stake...but ididn't i had to do something about i ended up telling her mom even though our friendship was ganna end....

then all of a sudden she gave her life to god he set her free...she's now 14 years of age living free...she too wanted to kill herself...she will cut so deep where you could see her bones...

there was onething that i learned....


2008-03-17 13:19:31 UTC
why u wanna kill urself.

every problems can be solve if u wanna figure out and try to talk with everyone dat u trust.

i think suicidal wont solve ur problems. fact it will make it bad than u think...

think bout ur family and everyone who love u so much....
2008-03-17 13:17:05 UTC
u need to see a specialist

call 1300 651251 for help
2008-03-17 13:20:59 UTC
hey pray to God he will help you life is only once do leave the world people need you don't worry about towmrrow God will lead u fowel him don't leave it is a gift of life
2008-03-17 13:17:20 UTC
Give this number a try - please!

1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Pamela C
2008-03-17 13:20:03 UTC
Hi baby ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugz))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Go to the hospital and check yourself in.. Call the suicide prevention hotline right now and talk to them. this is what they are there for and they rock.. they are totally non judgemental..1.800.442.HOPE( 4673)

We love you.. I love you and I am sorry you are hurting, I have felt like that so many times.. Make the call.. and e mail if you need me..
2008-03-17 13:21:00 UTC
I don't know you and you don't know me but please don't do anything to harm yourself. It saddens me to know that you aren't happy but that's today and you never know what great things can happen tomorrow. the thing is if you end your life you will never know. So just hang in there a bit longer. Please.
2008-03-17 13:17:23 UTC
control urself, it aint as bad as it seems....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.