Ok heres the story kind of long but what do you think>>>>>> My bff of 4 yrs has had a history of dating complete dirt bags. Even tho everytime I have told her not to do it she still did and im always the one to have her cryingon my shoulder. Ok jump to the present. For the past year and a half she has been dating a GREAT guy. He takes care of her treats her really well the only one working and keeps her out of trouble ( shes very hard headed and likesto get into trouble). Pretty much things were goiing well for them but you know all relationships have there ups and downs. Well within the past month her EX boyfriend had comeinto the picture. He treated her horribly when they were together. Well they started to mess around when she was with her current boyfriend. In conclusion she left him for the Ex piece of scum. She has only ben dating this biotch for a cpl days and has already moved in with him and is talking about marrage. Not only that but her and the good guy just lost there house together so hes staying at her moms while shes out F**ing around with this dirt bag. Well in conclusion everyone is telling her shes made a huge mistake her parents her closest friends EVERYONE. But she wont listen. Shes acting completley oblivious. Not only am I super pissed off because I hate this guy...(ive had past experiences with there relationship) but now im also loosing my bff. Help please. What can Ido to get her to listen? Should I just give up? I just really hate this guy. I really wantto support her decisions because she has always supported mine but I just cant. Thanks