Cyberbullying? Vulgar Nasty Blog Posts about me?
2010-05-10 08:19:45 UTC
Some girl, who not many people like although she is kind of popular, has posted a really mean blog post on her tumblr about me? I dont know if I should post the link cause I dont wanna sink to her level. But she wrote loads of mean things like f***ing wh**re and how she hates me.
This is the blog post (: But I took out all the swear words ;) and the title cause it was vulgar language!
You always think you are bloody right, and you fight back even though I know I’m right. Like when I said ‘he has lines but he is off stage for it’. She fought back that he had a part, WHICH I DIDNT DENY, even though I had a script, had read it, and was at the read through. Was you? Oh, wait that is right no. So just *** off.
Stop butting into our conversations, and telling me that ‘he might of got confused’ when in fact there is proof that he said ‘I don’t know what that means’ cause I watched the video you ****** ****.
She says, jk means joke.
No, it means just kidding. ***ing hell. Don’t tell me I’m wrong when I know I’m right.
She pisses me off to ****.
I hate her guts.

Im not sure what the middle bits about but the first bits about when we had an argument about whether this boy was on stage or off stage in the school play (lol pathetic i know) and the last part was on someones facebook pic and they used the word 'jk' and she commented saying jk means just kidding and i commented saying no it means joke she replied with no it means just kidding. I never replied. So the next day she posts this blog post? Immature right? Do I confront her what? i dont wanna sink to her level? Anyway you can report people on tumblr?
Six answers:
2010-05-10 08:27:51 UTC
jk can actually mean both, and its pretty pathetic to argue about. My sister has recently had someone in her year post something horrible on facebook. cyberbullying is actually taken seriously by police these days after some have been know to take their own lives for it. Talk to an adult, or even go into your local police station and find out where you stand on this and what can be done about it. Some action needs to be taken against this girl, otherwise it will get worse.
2010-05-10 09:06:33 UTC
Ignore her. It's incredibly sad that she's putting that mush of her energy and day into hating you. She most likely just wants you to read it and respond. Pretend you've never seen it and if anyone asks you about it just shrug and say she must have been in a REALLY bad mood. That's the problem with blogs and facebook. It's so much easier to be mean when you don't have to see the other persons face. Don't reply, you'll get sucked into an endless, very public arguement, and pretty soon, everyone will have forgotten who started it and you'll seem just as much to blame as she is. If you don't respond she'll just look like she can't control her temper. :) xx hope I helped.
A Decade Ago
2010-05-10 08:26:48 UTC
Its not really cyber bulling. if it was, she would have sent you personal message offending you and degrading you, but according to this, she's made no contact with you. its a personal blog of her that she happens to make public which is stupid. but if its public, that only means she WANTS you to read it and she's WAITING for you to respond. if you dont want to sick to her level, just ignore it. you have to be very mature about this. you will have people all throughout your life who think ugly of you and say mean things about you. now is the time to try and get use to it.

when time passes, she's going to look at that blog and be embarrassed by her own work and she'll take it down. but right now, she's expecting for you to make some kind of contact. DON'T. prove her wrong, show her you're much more maturer and she'll back off. don't even talk about it with other people because somehow that information will get around and come back to her and she'll enjoy it. just leave it alone.

And feel sorry for her. this is how she represents herserlf. and all those people who are going to read her blog with life an eyebrow. she is not taking any consideration of how this is going to impact you or other people. so pity her.
2016-04-12 10:00:51 UTC
Yikes!! No, that hasn't happened to me. I have had nasty-grams from people who didn't like my answers when I used to post in R&S. That's why I added the 'harmless' to my name on my other account. Who did this to you? *making a threatening face*
2010-05-10 08:23:13 UTC
Just ignore who cares she would take it off eventually
2010-05-10 08:24:35 UTC
ignore that b1tch it isn't worth the effort p.s. it does mean just kidding lol

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.