2012-02-03 09:34:52 UTC
and we flirt sometimes, but its harmless, like we both know it doesnt mean anything. he has all these nicknames for me and stuff like that. and we're quite touchy feely with each other, but its not like i get butterflies when i see him! lol
and when he isnt texting me or hes busy, or doesnt come lessons, it drives me crazy! Il be checking my phone every two minutes and il be so quiet and stuff
and i dont like feeling this way! it drives me mad that im starting to feel this way. i've never felt this way about him before.
hes good looking but im not physically attracted to him.
and whenever im not texting him he'll text me and say 'babe are you okay, havn heard from you'' and stuff like i miss you. even tho we spoke lik 2 hours ago.
He has a gf, well they broke up but they're starting slowly again, they not together right now. and when i text him, i always ask ''are you busy?' and he'll be like im never busy for you baby! even tho he'll be talking to his gf! so its not like he puts me second. once or twice hes said that he wishes his gf was more like me.. :S
and when i tell him that im talking to a guy that i think is hot or someting, he gets overly protective and starts askingg lots questions. and when he knows im talking to my ex, he gets very annoyed and says stop chasing him blah blah
and its not like i feel jealous of her, she doesnt really bother me, i jus say to him that if she makes you happy than im happy. simple as.
but i dont like these feelings im having, hes my bestie! it feels wrong that im thinking like this!
what should i do? Cos if i do like him, then why does it bother me? :( Please help