2009-12-05 12:21:59 UTC
There is something seriously wrong with me! This has been like this for at least 5years now and it's affecting my life and every ones around me. I love the thought of feeling like a normal person who looks in the mirror and just walks out their house without a bad thought going through their mind, but that doesn't happen!
Ive been with my boyfriend for 6 years and its not been the best relationship. Theres been some bad things happen that i hate him for but, i love him and feel as though its not going to happen anymore this time! There have also been some good times which override the bad times. Im not going to sit here and say that he hasn't hit me or cheated because he has but I did leave and now he reassures me that it would not happen again but, theres that doubt in the back of my mind that he could do it again and I begin to feel ugly, fat, worthless you name it, I feel it. I havent been an angel.... Last year I found myself drinking quite heavily and wanted to hurt him.. I was kicking him and shouting so loud... The next day I woke up and knew this was wrong!
Before this, when I was 19 I found out that I couldnt have children naturally and the only option was to have IVF! It destroyed me! Totally... from then, my confidence has gone I dont know what the word confidence means anymore! I have had confidence before, I was modelling and doing really well modelling. I was scouted a couple of times in london however, something has gone wrong.
Because of my relationship with my boyfriend, my mother finds it hard to deal with. Hes not allowed in her house. My mum tells me that i look like crap when im with him. My personality changes from being bubbly to nothing! My mum has thrown coke over me then an ashtray full of ash just because she doesnt like me being with this person! Se has also taken loans out in my name without me knowing, and never paid them back and I am in debt because of it! again, ive not been an angel. ive been moody and angry and have argued with her and i feel im to blame!
I love both very much and never want to hurt either but it feels like a battle contantly! Its very very hard!
But this is whats really bothering me! This is my typical day. I wake up and look in the mirror and hate what i see! I fixate on things and it plays on my mind forever and it make me sooo miserable! I cover mirrors and hate having them in the flat! When I put my make up on I want to smash the mirror. If i could change everything about myself and not be me id be very happy There isnt one part of me that I hate! I find myself obsessing over one thing for months then I move on to something else for months and so on.... I hardly go out because its too much for me??! Its sounds soooo stupid but it is hard. All I want to do is stay in so I dont have to feel these toughts! If my boyfriend askes me to go shopping this will end up me being in tears because I hate myself, I dont feel secure and i get paranoid! I hate the fact of somebody making a fool of me when i love them! So id rather stay in!
Whether its me or its just something silly, I feel as though im getting worse! Its affecting everyone around me and I am not this person! I love life! I want to live to the max but feel soooo crap so i dont! Ive also recently been made redundant from my job which doesnt help but thats easy to change! Recently ive been getting these pains in my chest! Sharp pains and it feels as tough im going to have a heart attack if i breathe in to hard. The pain will then lingure for the day and my chest feels tight. So realistically im a 23 yr old women falling apart! lol and realise that it isnt right and want to be normal! So if anybody has any adice on whats wrong with me id really appreciaite it. Thank you x