2008-10-10 12:33:53 UTC
Is it normal to stay in touch with school friends?? I am a 25 year old woman.
I live a couple of hours away in the car but thats no reason to not stay in touch is it.
I found a dear friend from my childhood/teenage years on facebook. We were very close from age 8 - 15.
Sent her a message, she replied, I then sent another email and since then i've heard nothing. I sent one more after a couple of weeks just saying Hi, it was nice to catch up and hope she is ok etc. Not heard back.
I'm not expecting to contact each other daily or weekly but at least every 1-2 months. It was first time we'd spoken in 2 years so hoped for more than 1 email. (She has always been a bit rubbish at keeping in touch but even so)
Just think it would have been nice to stay in touch.
Another friend I contact every month or two by text, I said hi hope she is well etc, she replied and said she was ok and am i (she lives only a few miles away) She said when she gets paid we should go out but since then heard nothing. I have told her she is welcome to come over. Don't want to harrass her so haven't got back in touch. I don't want to do all the running. I was close to her from age 14-20 then we fell out, but things are ok now but not the same. Maybe she still resents me as I was her flatmate for a year but then I wanted to move out. I apologised and said it was because I wanted independence but it didn't go down well. that was about 4 years ago and we made up but its not the same. I don't want to drag it all up but I would like to resolve the situation. Maybe she has just moved on too or is busy. I don't have many friends and thats maybe why I look to the past but also I had good friends so why shouldn't I want to stay in touch.
I don't want to do all the running, surely if people wanted to stay in touch they would contact me, but they don't. Are they just being polite to reply?
What do you think??