my mom thinks i have wrong friends?
2006-03-27 10:20:26 UTC
what should i do to show her that they ain't bad
Eleven answers:
2006-03-27 10:24:28 UTC
try asking her why

have a conversation with her

try to understand her point of veiw

take her advice or leave

and do the same to mine!
2006-03-27 18:26:50 UTC
The advice of spending time with them and your mum is probably the best - but do keep in mind there is a slim chance that your mum may be right.

If, for instance, your friends are much older than you are she may worry that they will get you involved in age-inappropriate behaviour. If they dress like punkers, she may worry that you'll wind up in dangerous parts of town or something. If your friends are the same age but are constantly borrowing things and not returning them, or trying to cheat from your schoolwork...anyway, you get the idea. Try and step back a moment from yourself, and think about how your friends behave - if you still think it's an undue prejudice, see about introducing them properly to your mum one or two at a time and as she gets to know them she will probably feel better about it.
2006-03-27 18:28:44 UTC
Well im a mum of 6kids, All mothers think that sometimes, but bring your mates to meet your mum and tell your mates to hav repect around her, Depending on if they gonna lead you a sray mums worry, but the best thing let mum get to know them when u at home and let the trust thing be built between you and your mother
2006-03-27 18:24:08 UTC
Introduce them to your mother

Let her met there parents

Try to do something

My mom is the same way

But my mom is 10 times worst

So talk to her
2006-03-27 18:26:49 UTC
ask her what they do that make her think they are bad. then consider what she said. if what she said was true, then i would reconsider if they are your friends or not. but if they don't fit what your mom says, then i would invite them over for awhile and let your mom see for herself. if she still says that they are wrong for you to hang out with. then i would respect your mom's decision, and tell them that Intel your mom reconsiders you will have to stop hanging out together.
2006-03-27 18:25:24 UTC
only time will tell her they are trustworthy, although if your mom thinks there is something wrong with them, there probably very careful. dont hang in group bad for you just to prove her wrong...youll end up dead or in prison.
2006-03-27 18:22:56 UTC
All Moms do that, no one seems good enough for their darling baby
2006-03-27 18:23:17 UTC
Take her along with you guys when you go out. Let her get to know them the way you do.

Then again, maybe she's right. ;-)
2006-03-27 18:24:10 UTC
Ask her what she doesn't like about them
2006-03-27 18:23:55 UTC
Maybe they are bad?
2006-03-27 18:23:06 UTC
moms know best honey!!!

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