2013-04-11 18:59:06 UTC
So, I was at the midnight release of call of duty with my friends boyfriend Gabe and three of his friends, Dylan Paul and Donovan. Gabe started flirting with me, and I didn't think too much of it. we would flirt all the time, his girlfriend (Jayme) didn't mind. eventually, Donovan left because his dad was going to pick him up. We were all hanging out in gabes car because it was cold outside. Paul and Dylan started joking about how I was the only girl in a car full of guys I barely know and Gabe, but Gabe made them stop. Dylan was in the front seat, so he drove. Dylan and Paul were both in the front, so it was only Gabe and I in the back. It was really dark, and nobody was posting attention, so Gabe felt me up. I felt bad, and I wasn't really very attracted to him, but I'm terrible at saying no, so I just sat there awkwardly. The next week, I was feeling really guilty, so I told his girlfriend. She talked to Paul and Donovan and Dylan, who all told her what they saw, which was me flirting with Gabe. Gabe was the only one that lied. He told her I was trying to seduce him, and that he said no and that I was lying so I could screw up their relationship because I was jealous. Then Jayme got really mad and called me a liar and a whore and told everybody one of my biggest secrets that I once told her because we were friends. She told them that I said I was molested in seventh grade for attention and that I'm full of ****. Now everybody thinks I'm a liar and a whore, and everything worked out perfectly for Gabe. They both have been talking **** ever since, and I've about had it. I've lost too many friends and too much credibility to let it go. I can't report it, because I snuck out to go to the thing, and I'll get in trouble. I need a way to either prove I'm not lying, or get legal revenge on them without getting in trouble.